Friday, November 1, 2019

Back to Normal

The transition from 3 weeks of holidays to a regular schedule has its own jet lag. On the one hand, enough already. On the other hand, it's such a great time to be here, fully imbued.

Classes resumed and/or started. I decided to try out someplace I only read about recently: Matan. It's not too far away ... about a 20 minute walk. When you know what you're doing. As sophisticated as GPS systems are, they're no match for the streets in Jerusalem which are woefully unmarked. At some point I like to synchronize my GPS with an actual street sign. Much easier said than done. Matan is pretty much down one street, which changes names 4 or 5 times, but the GPS didn't send me straight there. I made several turns until I finally arrived at my destination, barely in time, and the auditorium was standing room only. I knew I picked a good class to go to by the crowd, and actually we sat on the stairs. The speaker was amazing. The subject is Bereshit, the first book of the Torah, and she has a breadth of understanding that goes way beyond anything I've yet been exposed to.

On the way to Matan I ran into my friend Susan who was walking her dog. We had texted and tried to find a time to get together, but between her schedule and my schedule, we haven't been able to make a date. We had a few minutes to chat and then she was off to do her thing and I was off to do mine.

I've said this a million times. One of the reasons I love this neighborhood is because we know people here and running into them is easy to do. 

Speaking of running into ... we went to a lecture last night by a renowned Bible scholar who shall remain nameless because I was less than impressed. We'd never heard her speak, she has a stellar reputation, but I found her presentation disorganized, a little out in left field, and I had an issue with some of the theological points she was making. But, I did run into someone I studied with last summer at Pardes so it wasn't a total loss.

This will be short because Shabbat is about to start. We have house guests as well as dinner guests coming so I better start cooking!

Shabbat shalom from Jerusalem,

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